We are Howard, Sara, and Shiloh Jang. We are a Korean-American family dedicated to serving the regions of the 10/40 Window as missionaries with Kairos Global (KG). Our hearts are burdened with a deep desire to see the 3.16 billion souls living in this area hear the Gospel and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are not anyone special. We don’t have a dramatic testimony that drove us to the mission field. We are simply a family who found Jesus to be worthy of His inheritance on the earth, and has been won over by the love of Christ to obey the call of the Great Commission. We are a family who gave our “yes.”
As we journey with the Lord to reach the unreached, we invite you to partner with us and be our witness to what God does when ordinary, and often flawed and weak-minded individuals surrender to His will. Our journey is not about us, nor is it about “our” mission; rather, it is about coming alongside our beautiful Savior and seeking after His heart. We chose to pursue His will above ours, and allow ourselves to be humble before the things of His heart. In this, we trust that no matter the status of our finances, equipping, or ability, the Lord will accomplish His desired will through those who say “yes.” And we prayerfully hope that our journey would also encourage you to give your “yes” to Jesus today, in whichever way He is calling you to obey. To Him be all the glory, honor, and praise!